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A church with a history and relevance to now. Join us Sunday at 9:00 or 11:00 am in historic downtown on the corner of Harden Hill and Main. We'd love to meet you!


Serving God and Country


I want to share a few matters regarding my service as a chaplain in the Air Force Reserves. This month marks 13 years since I received a commission and started my military career. It has been wonderful for me in so many ways and I plan to continue for 7-10 more years, Lord willing. The military has helped me to become a much better leader than I would be otherwise. It has also provided me with wonderful friendships, and most importantly, it gives me another setting to share the ministry of Jesus for people who defend our country on a daily basis. Trust me when I say they really need the Presence of Christ and we chaplains have a unique opportunity to minister to them right where they are.


My current assignment is at Air Force Reserve Command Headquarters at Robins AFB, Ga. I have learned so much at the command level that I never would have been able to learn elsewhere. This office oversees the work of more than 1,000 reserve chaplains (officers) and religious affairs airmen (enlisted members) around the world. Another interesting fact is that this is the same office where two Ashford members held the job as THE senior chaplain in the entire Reserve Command. They are Colonel (ret) Lowrie Welton and Colonel (ret) Richard Cathy. They were responsible as the senior leader for those 1000+ personnel in the Reserve Command during their careers, and their legacy is strong in the Chaplain Corps. Don’t you think it’s amazing that the Lord led me to Ashford to be under the influence of these chaplain/pastors? I am so thankful!

This month, a promotion board will convene in Colorado to consider me for a promotion to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserves. This means that they review my performance records, training, education, and overall leadership to see if a promotion to the next rank is warranted. None of the candidates up for promotion have any communication with the Board, it is a faceless process, and we do not hear the results for about 90 days. If I am selected for O-5 (Lt Col), I plan to include our church as much as possible in this occasion. Stay tuned...

As an aside, while talking about armor and Ephesians 6 and the capabilities of one of our aircraft, I mentioned the possibility of my assignment being switched to Moody Air Force Base in South Georgia. This was premature on my part, as the promotion board and other factors are still to take
shape. It could also be to another assignment other than Moody, but when it is settled, I will surely let you know.

Lastly, my ability to serve in this way is dependent upon your generosity in allowing me to go and serve the 24 days per year my reserve duty requires. Thank you, for in doing so, YOU as a congregation are fulfilling a ministry to our military. I love the USA and am grateful for a patriotic congregation to stand with me and those serving in such a dedicated way!



Pastor Robert (a/k/a Chaplain, Major Robert Greene)

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Sunday Worship Schedule

  • 9:00 am Worship Service

  • 10:00 am Adult Sunday School

  • 11:00 am Worship Service


Ashford offers two traditional worship services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The format of these services are identical, with the exception that there will not be a choir or children's church offered at the 9:00 a.m. service.  


The 9:00 a.m. service offers Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month for those who wish to partake of the sacrament on a more frequent basis. 

The 11:00 a.m. service will be streamed through our YouTube page, Ashford Memorial Methodist Church. You can find it at this link: ï»¿Ashford YouTube Channel. The 9:00 a.m. service

WILL NOT be streamed on YouTube.


Monday Morning Ladies Bible Study, 10:00 a.m. meets in the Fellowship Hall. This Bible Study includes a video series followed by small group table discussion. This study will start on Monday, September 9. They study will be “ The Gospel of John” by Melissa Spoelstra. For questions, call or text Lane Downs.


Monday Night Disciple 3 Bible Study, 6:30 p.m. This is a 32 week study containing an Old Testament Study of ‘the Prophets’ and New Testament Study of the Letters of Paul. Led by Naomi Beers and John Leffert. Please let office know if you would like to participate. The study will begin on August 26th and the cost is $48.50.

Thursday Morning Men meet at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Pastor Robert. Bring your Bible. All men are welcome. Email Pastor Robert.


The Bible Recap Plan

Many members of AMMC are reading through the Bible in 2024 via the Bible Recap. This study is done on an individual basis with a ‘Group Me’ app check-in. For more information, email Ellen Elder.




Ashford Ladies 2024 Weekend Event: A Women’s Retreat will be held on August 24, 2024. Participants will attend Priscilla Shirer’s “Going Beyond Live” event at the Classic Center in Athens, and will gather at the AMMC parking lot at 7:30 that morning to carpool to Athens for this event. For more information email This event is currently full, but does have an active waiting list.

FYI: Kristi McLelland is hosting a Women’s Retreat event, “Feast”, September 13-14, 2024, in Gardendale, Alabama. Email if interested. The website is: for more information.


Ashford Memorial Methodist Youth (AMMY)

  • August 2 - Deadline to register for Six Flags

  • August 4 - AMMY Back to School Cookout

  • August 10 - AMMY at Six Flags

  • August 11 - High School Parents Night

  • August 18 - Churchwide Fellowship Picnic

  • August 25 - AMMY at Youth House (5:30-7:00)

  • August 31 - No AMMY (Labor Day Weekend)


Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet the first & third Wednesday of each month in the fellowship hall from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Anyone interested in this ministry is welcome. You don't have to be an advanced knitter. Those who crochet are always welcome, too.

St. Mary’s Grief Support Group is open to anyone who is needing support. This group normally meets on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month in the conference room across from the coffee shop. Parking is validated so bring parking slip with you. Facilitator is Jessica Chicken.


Ushers Needed: Please see the last page of the newsletter and sign up using the Sign Up Genius form if interested. If you have any questions contact Terry Jones.


Ashford Memorial Methodist actively supports many local and international missions. You can view our recent and upcoming activities in our August Missions Newsletter.


Contact our missions coordinator to find out how you can help.














Operation Christmas Child Drive
The Missions Committee is hosting an Operation Christmas Child Supply Drive during the month of September for items to be used in our annual Operation Christmas Child Shoebox project. Please see the below SignUp Genius to donate:

Appreciation Baskets
Ashford will be providing Appreciation Baskets for our 15 local schools during the month of September. Please see the below SignUp Genius if you would like to help deliver to one or more schools.


Sparrow’s Nest
Our AMMY group will package 60 sack lunches to be given to The Sparrow’s Nest on Friday, September 29. Please see the SignUp Genius if you would like to financially donate to this mission.


Thank you for continuing to support Ashford financially. We are blessed to be able to continue to support our missions, service people, and ongoing church expenses.


Ashford now has a Pushpay account. If you choose to donate electronically, please scan the QR code or use this link.


As always, checks can be mailed to P. O. Box 344, Watkinsville, GA 30677.


Physical Address: 1 South Main Street
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 344
Watkinsville, Georgia 30677


The Ashford Church Office has moved into the Murray House (the yellow house across the parking lot). As a reminder, the church office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00-3:00 with an hour lunch break.

Office (706) 769-6928


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9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Monday through Friday

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