Children's Ministry
The children of Ashford Memorial Methodist Church meet each Sunday morning at 10:00 for Sunday School. During morning worship, Rev. Greene gives a Children's Sermon then the children are dismissed for Children's Church. The children also participate in the annual Watkinsville Christmas Parade and have a Christmas pageant and cookie swap in early December.
The Ashford Memorial Methodist Church Youth (AMMY) meet weekly for activities planned and led by the Youth Director, Ellie Wooten. Each Christmas season the youth prepare and pack items donated by church members for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry.
The Music Ministry is led by Organist Ann Evans, Pianist Tony Wall, and Choir Director Daniel Shafer. Music for the worship services consists of traditional hymns accompanied on the organ and piano. The Ashford Choir ministers each Sunday with an anthem prior to Rev. Greene's sermon and performs cantatas for Easter and Christmas. Identical Christmas cantatas are held the Sunday prior to Christmas and on Christmas Eve and are concluded with a beautiful lighting of candles by the congregation.
Sunshine Girls
Sunshine Girls provide a meal in support of Ashford Church families who have experienced an illness, birth, or death during a specific month.
Athens Area Homeless Shelter
Volunteers from Ashford prepare a meal for the Athens Area Homeless Shelter on the first Thursday of each month.
ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving)
Volunteers from Ashford Church staff the local food pantry and clothes closet on the third Friday of each odd-numbered month.
Bible Study
In additional to regular Sunday School classes, Ashford holds several special Bible studies throughout the year.
Care Team
Ashford's Care Team provides outreach to those on our prayer list and others. The group meets monthly.