We Believe
Recognizing and affirming its origins, Ashford Memorial Methodist Church adopted the doctrine, theology and appropriate practices and rituals of the Methodist tradition. In so doing, this congregation claimed a common heritage with all people of the Christian faith and solidified its bonds with the Church universal. An underlying tenet of our theological tradition is what John Wesley termed the "catholic spirit" expressed in these words: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."We believe in one living and true God, revealed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, infinite in power, wisdom, and goodness; creator of all things and judge of all men. We proclaim faith in Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, as our Lord and the gift of salvation afforded us through His life, death and resurrection. We profess that the Holy Spirit works to enable us to accept God's grace, justification, and reconciliation. We regard Scripture as the unique deposit of God's revelation and the primary source for Christian instruction. We value the historic creeds and confessions of the church as interpretations and expressions of the faith.We embrace Baptism, by sprinkling, pouring or immersion, and the Lord's Supper of Holy Communion as the two sacraments institutioned of Christ and given by God to his people. We declare with all people of God the forgiveness and acceptance are ours through the power of the Love that brings us to life eternal.
Ashford Church History
This building is the fourth site that the Methodist congregations have used in Watkinsville. The first was in the old part of the cemetery; the second, behind the Courthouse; the third, built by the slaves of William Murray, and having a balcony for slaves, was purchased by the Christian (Disciples of Christ) denomination. According to Quarterly Conference records, November 15, 1893, “On a 100 by 150 feet of land, good titles, a new church building having a seating capacity of 400, valued at $3500, was built.” This building of Gothic architecture was given by A.W. Ashford, his brothers and two uncles, Thomas and Robert Booth, and others, as a memorial to the mother of the Ashford men, Louisa Booth Ashford, who was a sister to the Booth brothers. A resolution of thanks of the Quarterly Conference,
on April 12, 1893, contains this resolution: “Resolved, third; We must trust that it may abide for a long time, not only as a monument to their generosity, but that it may become, under God, the means of salvation of many precious souls.”
In the 1930s a basement was excavated by the Men’s Bible Class, which added Sunday School rooms, a large assembly and recreational room, and a kitchen. This area has been the scene of many beautiful showers and receptions, missionary and class meetings and Homecoming dinners. Another addition was the Warnie Edge Educational Annex, which was completed and turned over to the Churchon June 5, 1955. This building was made possible by the sale of property which was willed to the Church by Mrs. Warnie Edge Phillips, a beloved member and retired school teacher.
The United Methodist Church voted to build a new Church on High Shoals Road and moved into that building in September 1982.
Shortly thereafter, a group of people wishing to continue to worship in the building on Main Street, and desiring to continue the Methodist tradition, purchased the building from the United Methodist Conference for a sum of $122,500. The name was changed to Ashford Memorial Methodist Church and the first service was held on Sunday, May 29, 1983. This last Sunday in May marked the day for future Homecomings. The other annual day for Ashford is the Annual Meeting, which is held the last Sunday in October, when officers are elected and business decisions are made.
It is indeed a blessing the members were able to restore this building to a community Methodist Church where
all are welcome and invited.